Devlog 5 - Self Study 3

Self Study 3

This self study was rushed to get it out before the due date, so I only have one screenshot of the scene.
Within this self study I created a super simple building as seen in the background. I then created some simple maket stalls showcasing the kitchen utensils object created during Self Study 1. As you can see the car is returning here as I'm fairly proud of it as my first every modelling of a car, and behind the stalls is my character casually t-posing. I didn't create any crazy terrain, just added some slight variation to the height to create a bumpy effect with a snow texture.

The building and market stall models were quickly made using the Unity Engine package "ProBuilder". I can see this tool being very useful when we get to making our protoype game in the second half of the semester.
The terrain was made using the Unity Engine package "Terrain Tools". I applied a snowy texture and brushed over the terrain with a noise brush which both were provided with the sample terrain asset pack that comes with Terrain Tools.

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