Devlog 3 - Enemies and Interactions
Ethers Edge » Devlog

This build is by far the biggest yet for my game. I spent an entire weekend implementing a wave spawning system, creating a custom boss battle, and adding some extra AI behaviour to the existing AI that I pulled from the tutorials this semester. Heres a list of everything added to and improved upon for this build.
- Wave Spawning system.
- Custom Boss battle, happens every 5 waves only if the currently active boss has been defeated.
- New enemies are introduced every 5 waves, with a brand new enemy making its appearence at wave 15.
- UI updated with new elements which include, Player Healthbar, XP Bar, total play-time, total kills, current wave, and Custom Boss Healthbar.
- Player can now take damage from different enemy sources.
- Updated enemy AI so they dont get stuck on planets. (Boss still needs this implemented)
- Added hit effects for the player and enemies as a quick white flash, and also for the player there's a particle effect.
- Added controller support.
Player UI

Custom Boss Healthbar
Player taking damage
One of the bosses attacks in action
Known Bugs
- Player can still teleport out of bounds when using teleport ability. (will fix this when it comes to polish)
- DPS meter has been removed for now as I couldn't get it to work correctly. (may return in a future build)
- Boss could spawn multiple times if the currently active one wasn't killed before the next one spawned. FIXED
- Added Boss attacks to the Minimap.
- Health pickup icon changed to make it easier to understand what you are pickup up.
- Added greater fade-in and fade-out transitions for the bosses beam attack. It also spawns away from the player at a greater angle to allow the player a chance to react.
- Decreased number of projectiles for the bosses circle attack from 15 to 12. This helps with dodging the player when they are above or below the boss as the players hitbox is wider than it is tall.
- Decreased the delay between each circle attack, which helps counteract the effect of less projectiles, while still allowing the player to dodgge when above or below.
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Sep 24, 2023
Ethers Edge
Roguelike Reverse Bullet-hell
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